Dry Eye Therapy in Alliston

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See Us to Manage Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye is one of the most common problems our patients face. Because of this, we can develop unique dry eye treatments to suit your needs.

If you’re struggling with dry eyes, please contact our team today for an appointment and find the help you need to achieve clear, comfortable vision.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when there’s a problem with the tear film that affects its ability to moisten and nourish the eye’s surface. It is estimated that up to 30% of Canadians live with dry eyes.

Many dry eye symptoms mimic other eye conditions—such as conjunctivitis—and are often ignored or improperly attributed as a result.

Symptoms include:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Scratchy, burning eyes
  • Degraded vision quality, blurred vision
  • Red eyes and eyelids
  • Uncomfortable mucus around the eyes
  • Eye fatigue

Dry eyes are typically diagnosed during a comprehensive eye exam. We may measure your tears’ quantity and quality to dive further into what’s causing your dry eye symptoms.

Treating Dry Eyes

Many treatments exist to provide comfort and relief from irritating dry eye symptoms. But there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Your treatment depends entirely on the root cause of your condition, and in some cases, you may require more than one.

Treatments can include:

A Dry Eye Centre in Alliston

Discover Revitaleyes Med Spa, where we specialize in innovative dry eye management and skin rejuvenation. Using the latest technologies and unique equipment, we can effectively relieve dry eye symptoms and rejuvenate your skin, helping you look and feel your best. Visit us and experience the difference!

Visit Us for Dry Eye Relief

Find relief from your uncomfortable symptoms at NTOC. Call us today or request your appointment online, and get back to enjoying your vision!

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Where to Find Us

We can be found on Centre Street South, just south of Victoria Street East near Shopper’s Drug Mart. Parking is available in the municipal parking lot across from our practice.


15 Centre Street South
Alliston, ON L9R 1G8

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